Monday, May 4, 2009

Independence of Thought

Rationalists, Atheists, Humanists... SHOULD push for change in our schools, and stop the inculcation that precedes the mind numbing bias called religion. Healthy exposure to other coherent Ideas and a free mind along with religion will allow children to compare between the
two, and decide for themselves. Right to information plus Freedom of Expression equals INDEPENDENCE OF THOUGHT. We just need to recognize that Independence of thought is a BASIC CIVIL RIGHT that all humans (even those born to religious parents) must not be denied of.
I reiterate Independence of thought leads to a free mind, which is sure inoculation against inculcation and all wrongly held beliefs Humanity currently suffers from.


How inculcation is Denial of the right of independent thought.
Learning and rational thought are inherent in all of us from birth, and we are all born free of mind. It is only after a long and sustained process of 'instilling' , that young impressionable (vulnerable) children helplessly undergo at the hands of their (loving) parents and teachers, that they slowly form a rigid bias that stops them from thinking freely, question everything, hold nothing sacred (beyond question) and to rationalize on one and all. Parents (mostly) work tirelessly at breaking down this natural and most valuable of human assets that all children ( and adults) have, especially in response to some capricious, 'impudently bold' questioning (on god or religion) and refer to it as innocence of childhood, and then, desperate to try and evade the question and hide their own ignorance, ensue with renewed vigor in doing to their children what was once done to them - inculcate religion into them. When inculcation is done properly, with fear and admonition as their teaching aids, on completion, the subject will have acquired a mind numbing bias that only a firm unswerving belief in religion, god/s and fear thereof, can bring. After indoctrination is complete, the erstwhile 'innocent' child now has the remarkable ability to hold true and sacred (beyond question), some of the most stupidest of ideas, which would fall apart quickly upon preliminary (innocent) questioning and countering by an otherwise instinctively rational, curious and all-questioning child. This process includes the inculcator repeating 'Do not question, do not falter in your belief (belief=hold an argument true without requiring any support for it). This effectively stops the child from listening, or even hearing any other idea that is different or contradictory.

THAT is where the denial of 'The right to Independent Thought' takes place, whereby one person prevents another from access to (all contrary) information. Right to Information is crucial if one is to form ones own opinions , see all sides of an argument and decide for themselves.

But since such indoctrination is widely done and most people are very religious as a result, one may wrongly assume religion and faith to be a natural instinct itself, though very plausible due to its prevalence.

I wrote this post first to comment on an Article on and then got fired up enough to post this article. I am a Noetic Novice but also @rationalDude on


Diff.Thinkr said...

Finally find a similar blog
I love your thoughts,very beautiful and "thought out",and how perfectly true,
We are forced so much by our customs and society that only a few like us DARE to think beyond and deny at least to some extent this forcing upon......looing forward to more posts

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